You can make a massive difference to people in need, by simply giving of your time. We need folks to help us to make the food we hand out to those in need at the Soup Kitchen.
We need folk to assist us manage the crowds and also help with cleaning up afterwards. In November we'll need wrappers to help us wrap the toys for the children.
We are currently looking for monetary funding or donations for 2 critical elements of our project:
1. Mealie Meal
The Mealie Meal is a key staple in the food hampers
we give out to all of our recipients. We distribute
close to one ton every month
2. Transport
We have a truck which we use to transport the food
to and from the soup kitchen,it is on its last legs
though and we are looking to replace it very soon.
As the chill of winter creeps closer, we will be starting our blanket drive. These blankets will be distributed at our soup kitchen in June and to the schools we support to assist those less fortunate to stay warm.
P.O.Box 324, Van Riebeek Park
Tel: 011 979 5003 | Fax: 086 651 8546