Operation Anti-Freeze Operation Anti-Freeze


The teacher walks into the class of boisterous children, a dozen things running through her mind as she prepares for the lesson.

Many of the kids are laughing, talking, or playing the fool as all kids do, but there is one little boy a the back of the class who’s eyes are dull and who rests his head listlessly on his arm.

She knows he’s not tired from lack of sleep, she knows he has no energy because this child Struggles every day to get enough to eat. She knows this because she provides bread for him and twenty others like him.

She smiles though as she turns to begin teaching the class, because Operation Anti-Freeze is coming today and with them they will bring sandwich spreads like peanut butter and boveril that will support her feeding scheme until the end of the month. They will also bring a food parcel that will provide this child with food for this week. Next week, he may go hungry in the evenings and over the weekend again, but this week, he’ll have enough to eat.

Operation Anti-Freeze supports over 450 children in 10 schools who have been identified as not having food outside of what the teachers are providing them. We would love to provide these children with a food parcel every week.

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Where To Find Us

P.O.Box 324, Van Riebeek Park

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Contact Us

Tel: 011 979 5003 | Fax: 086 651 8546


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