Chubby little arms clutch at a brightly wrapped gift as the little boy on Santa’s lap stares at him in open mouthed awe. He is three and today is the first time he’s received a gift at Christmas. His family is desperately poor and just finding enough food to sustain them is a daily challenge, so gifts are a foreign concept to him.
Today though his parents brought him to the Operation Anti-Freeze Christmas Soup Kitchen where he has received a ball for Christmas. This ball was donated by a person who will never meet him, but who gave the ball as part of the Operation Anti-Freeze annual Toy Run.
Their gift is one he will treasure throughout his Childhood, a companion to play with during the day and to cuddle with through the night.
Operation Anti-Freeze is collecting Toys for little people for Christmas, If you'd like to see how you can get involved see our volunteer application form below.
It’s the first day of school, and the little girl with the neatly plaited hair watches as all of her peers pull new crayons, clean fresh books and newly sharpened pencils, from their bags, ready for a new school year.
She remembers how awful she felt last year this time, when she did not have a bag, school notebooks or even a pen to write with because her parents could not afford them.
This year though, she is one of dozens of children who has been blessed by Operation Anti-Freezes stationery run. This year, she too has all she needs to start the school year, all because of the kindness of those who donated to Operation Anti- Freeze.
We have begun our stationery collection. If you'd like to see how you can get involved see our volunteer application form above.
P.O.Box 324, Van Riebeek Park
Tel: 011 979 5003 | Fax: 086 651 8546